Saturday, December 26, 2015

this was picture page


Sun Glasses


Partly Sunny


small lake and quaint house


ocean with distant mountain


beautiful bird


small version of

half horse 33 kb

awesome evergreens and snow 190 KB

after sunset, relatively low meg and the hill and a city in the far distance

the seal must use must use must use 24 kb

sunset on the ice river.. alittle surreal 46 KB

144 KB lighthouse and snow probably won't work

seashore 150 KB too narrow

stargazer--- only 19.2 KB

the large hills without the weird trees -----145 meg

trees smokey , that looks like high med, low med 143 KB

Sunset cactus mountain 73 kb


mountain and the weird trees in the center 126 KB


the trees and water and stuff like that . lower meg 58 kb

lower meg lake scenery,,, alittle off beat 152 KB

leaves against the nighttime water 1.66 meg

very unusual, the leaves are very very close, and the water scenery is there too ...1.97 meg

A NICE view of a big hilly town 66 kb


the farm and scenery 700 KB

Egypt 10.3 KB


nice cliff and road 158 kb


very unusual water must use 2.04 MEG

the california hill shady and light 1.72 meg

weird cloudy sun 909 kb.

different levels of scenery different levels-- 1.72 meg


my favorite weeds 1.83 meg

weeds from angle 2.46 meg

Beautiful weeds shining in the sunlight differs from MRSR 1.56 meg

Classic California beach

california scenery the cliff with alot of nice trees2.58 Meg

The california rock with tree shadow 1.83 MEG

California rock with seagull 1.61 Meg

Palm tree 42 KB

ice beach 80 KB

alaskan type mountains

waterfall 407 Kb

volcano 415 KB

lake near sunset 72 KB

Peacock 271 KB

evergreen forest from distance 150 KB

arora borealis 21 KB

waterfall and paradise pond 198 KB

mountain from a distance 121 KB


mountain steep174 KB

Lake with snow oldie 122 KB

dolphins & star 52 KB-

autumn reflection 220 KB

dark trees 112 KB
the shed

Beautiful mountains. Copyright Gary Higgins. eastcoast USA
cannot be used for commercial purpose.

cannot be used for commercial purpose.

snowy mountain

snowless mountain

small mountain

beautiful hill

This website is endorsed by.....

Everyone that matters.....

feminists are primarily progagandists

Mt. Rushmore

Whenever debating against extremists:
they'll eventually ask the question regarding God's Masculine identity.
It's supposedly unfair. After all, God is a man? why should this be the case? Firstly, everyone should be informed that, God in not merely "one of the boys". Nor, does he represent men.

Ironically, a similar title is given toward womanhood, in General. The term "Goddess" often applies to the overall female persona. It doesn't merely represent a singular deity, "Mother Earth". But instead, there's emphasis placed upon every woman. For example: if you visited a "New Age" site, the imagery tends to celebrate the feminine identity. Yet, they claim to merely be worshiping a singular being. Also, there are millions of ladies, who revere themselves as Divas, Goddesses, Queens, and what-have-you. Plus, on a deeper level, there are several hundred thousand women who seriously hold these magnificent titles.

SO, the Worship of One God is Not a manifestation of manhood, nor is it a celebration of Males. In many ways, this actually restricts his freedoms. After all, it would be considered socially unacceptable (if not, blasphemous) for any man to describe himself as a 'living God'. Yet, self-praise amongst women is highly encouraged.
Also, when most people envision God, their perception creates a portrait of Jesus Christ. This fact holds true, even for those outside the Christian faith.

It's more important to remember, that, virtually all Angelic figures have been women.
For example:
the Angel atop your Christmas tree is always a woman.
And, she possesses a magical quality to oversee.
Angels are supernatural, plus they have special abilities, such as flight.
And this very fact easily erases any supposed injustice of "God the Father". Essentially, there are several billion angels amongst us.
This fact weighs very heavily.
Plus, it invalidates any claims by 'New Agers'.
They're attitudes are seeded upon traditional views.
Their magical views of womanhood actually stem from fairies, Angels, Mary, Cherubs, pixies, Liberty, witches, Faeries, mermaids, mother nature, lady luck, and other inspirational deities. (We should also remember, the presence of Angels, both within, and outside the christian faith. We might be familiar with "The Guardian of Hope", "The Guardian of Truth", as well as, happiness, joy, love, knowledge, and light. Plus, there are Goddesses for every season. And, these figures tend to compliment the feminine identity.

Clearly, the role of motherhood is given divine status. People everywhere revere their mothers in a heavenly light.

SO, please remember this message.
The New Age concept is really nothing new.
In fact, relationships are usually built upon a familiar standard.
She's given tremendous respect, by her partner.
Which, often transcends earthy definition.
(Perhaps, it might sound too corny, if we used those spiritualist terms.)
(But, it would probably be fitting).

But ultimately,
the greatest privilege to being a Diva,
is the overall acceptance for this whole idea.
People see nothing wrong with this degree of recognition.
If she wants to call herself a Goddess, men fully welcome the idea.
This entire concept is supported by everyone.
So truly, from the bottom of our hearts.
So, we really look up to her, with the highest regards.
And we would never wish to dispute it. ..

---- ---- ----





Presented by-- Men's Rights: Social Awareness.


(working title: Your source of reality, beyond reason)
A Season for all Occassions
an identity shines within.
Here, now, then, and, for always.

Life is like a budding rose at springtime, and thereafter more.

SO many discussions arise pertaining to the pro-life philosophies.
THerefore, it's not necessary to repeat every single word.

SO, this article will become a brief exchange of words.

Firstly: most women would be pro-life, if they knew the truth behind this entire issue.

2-- The media does not allow the real story to be told. In essence, no one is given the opportunity to explain what's truly happening. Let's not argue whether or not this should be legal. But instead, there's no alternative viewpoint given. She's not even allowed to hear basic facts, which could alter her decision.

3- It's somewhat controversial to suspect some degree of hostility on the part of many journalists. And, many women are convinced that it's only fair to be given these options. After all, men needn't worry about it, so why should she? This happens to be a primary reason why 'pro-choice' is widely accepted. Basically, alot of women are obsessed with overall comparisons between the genders. Otherwise, it wouldn't be viewed in such a casual manner.

4-- POINT BLANK: The media encourages this.

5-- When this issue is debated, they avoid the real issue. And, instead, they emphasize the word, "choice".

6-- Many "Activists" claim that men don't have to worry about these things. But ironically, those same Activists force every Father to accept full responsibility, when warranted by the mother.

7-- During so-called abortion rallies, these 'groups' basically act as though women the overall victims of a terrible injustice. But, in truth, she's given numerous options which men are clearly denied. WHy then, do the 'women's groups' always display such anger? The system clearly gives no rights whatsoever to fathers.

8--- many people address the 'over-population' issue. IT's agreed that parents should limit the number of children which are conceived. However, this is really an issue of controlling overall pregnancies. Thus, birth control methods are certainly acceptable, and should be classified differently than this particular issue.

9--- being pro-life does not mean that we intend to infest society with an endless stream of unwanted births. That's just plain silly.

10-- Usually, ending a pregnancy would only alter the time when a mother chooses to have children. IT generally wouldn't alter the number of births which she intends to give.

11-- Everyone should be reminded: Men don't have any rights, or, say in deciding these matters.

12--- also, the 'pro-choice' crowd tends to be very hypercritical. They give no options to men. And, either way, he's forced to abide by anything which is dictated by others.

13--- Women have no right to expect public funding for these matters. But, all pro-choice advocates conceal this financial issue.

14-- The term "choice" happens to be somewhat phony. We're referring to whether or not this is a child. Why does the media continue using that narrow terminology?

15-- the same advocates against pro-life, also support mass immigration which has caused an unprecedented population explosion.

16-- THe whole issue of 'abortion' is practiced like spiritual subculture. This is the typical attitude created by 'Activists'. IT becomes a "media frenzy". And, 'women's groups' always use this as an opportunity to wave their silly banners.

17-- For no apparent reason: Caucasians are particularly encouraged to become anti-life.

18-- Amazingly, after all is said and done, mothers are still generally praised as an unconditionally loving parent.

19-- In a sense, she never loses her status as the nurturer, and, overall morally-superior being.

20-- THE ACTIVISTS INTEND TO GIVE HER THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE, EVEN AFTER THE CHILD IS ALREADY BORN. THERE ARE TRAGEDIES, SUCH AS PATRICIDE, WHICH ARE OFTEN PERMISSIBLE BY LAW. This also includes abandonment, and, the choice to surrender the child for adoption. But, most interestingly, some countries have even extended this to the first years of a baby's life. IT's so claimed, that, a woman might be overly stressed. Thus, giving her the right to supersede any laws of justice.

21-- by a similar token, women who commit various crimes only receive a fraction of the punishment which is typically given to a man.

22-- There are certainly many cases when a woman gives her child for adoption, without consent of the father. Thus, she's not allowing him the option of achieving custody. Nor, is he aware, in some instances. (Note: such cases are not typical. However, still do occur, on occasion.

23-- sometimes, a mother surrenders parental custody to a relative, while the father must engage in a court room battle, even though it's his child.

24-- you'll notice that most pro-choice campaigns emphasize a female-centric theme. "She's a child, not a choice" would be one such example. While mothers are also praised, in an effort to encourage them to become pro-life. (disclaimer: such practices are not the least bit offensive, but still worth mentioning).

25-- If you've ever seen a so-called Abortion-Rally, the Activists pretend that our entire system favors men. This theory makes no sense whatsoever. And, as I've said before, the media actually encourages abortion. Therefore, it shouldn't even be considered pro-choice. Femme-Groups would prefer forcing every woman to have an abortion. THis might sound crazy, but, still happens to be true.

26-- one common expression is: 'If you're against abortion, then don't have one'. That happens to be an idiotic expression. It would be alittle more rational, if they focused upon the safety issue. However, the Leftists are known for preying into other people's affairs. SO, this rule never applies when they're making decisions which affect others. Also, we could use the same crudeness for any possible reason. "If you're against physical violence, then, simply don't commit this act". However, "it's none of your business, if others choose to be violent". This notion wouldn't carry validity, and, neither should theirs.

27-- Did we remember to list the issue of parental inequality? The man has no voice whatsoever in determining the future of his unborn child. Yet, those same "Activists for Choice" also expect him to bear full responsibility for a child.

28-- Some leftists claim that it's necessary to charge huge amounts of money toward fathers, in order to deter him from producing unwanted children. In other words, this would supposedly curb the overpopulation issue. Yet, If a woman deliberately brings several children into this world, she is never required to pay a monetary fee. For example: mothers are not expected to give financial support, when her child is in custody of Orphanages or Foster Programs. (disclaimer: In no plausible way should support be required from the mother. However, the issue is still worth mentioning)

29-- regarding the expression, "Keep your laws off of my body". In case you're not aware, there are numerous laws which dictate how everyone can maintain their physical well-being. For example: drug consumption is illegal. Ironically, "Leftists" are responsible for the laws which strictly ban cigarettes.

30-- Peace & Love.

31-- the weirdest expression is when men specifically are targeted by 'pro-choice' Activists. They claim that he's got no right to take this position, since he doesn't know what it's like to be pregnant. Obviously, this dogma could just as easily be used by any mother who's already got children. She could argue, that, "no woman should ever be penalized for any reason whatsoever." "Whether she's harming a child', or even if she decides to commit murder". Because after all, 'men don't know what it's like to be pregnant'. That really is a poor excuse for supporting abortion. Especially considering that most 'pro-life' advocates happened to be women. Also, we could use this same ridiculous rule for any situation. For example: you've never participated in a war, therefore you're not entitled to decide whether or not it's justified. ALso, on a realistic note, most child abusers indeed suffer from mental deficiencies. Yet, they are never given leniency. (This statement happens to be very true. Most persons who commit child abuse happened to be social misfits who were never given a fair chance to succeed in life.)

32-- please, never go astray from the actual issue of whether the life on an unborn child should be protected. The media often treats this entire issue like an anthem for Woman Power. It's just plain silly.

33-- regarding the overpopulation issue. I fully believe this is the #1 concern facing the world today. However, "Abortion is Not the answer". Most parents plan upon having more than 2 children, and this is the real reason why populations are expanding. People don't realize that they are contributing to the overall dilemma. For example: each woman wants to have between 2 and 4 children. And, there's nothing wrong with that decision. However, if every woman shares this viewpoint, the population will obviously rise.

34-- for those who regard 'choice' as a population issue. The very same principle could be applied to murder, warfare, nuclear exchange, world conflicts, and killing the elderly. After all, shooting people would be an excellent way to maintain smaller populations. However, this is obviously not a valid solution. Thus, we need to find other avenues which may provide the answer.

35-- some argue that alot of women fear pregnancy. However, this doesn't seem to be a reality.

36-- We should touch upon the issue of sexism. It seems, many women nowadays are deliberately having numerous abortions, until it literally affects her body. While these same woman also have several children, as well. SO, for example: she might have an abortion in September, then, deliberately get pregnant one month later. These obscene attitudes are clearly fueled by the media. Why would a woman terminate her pregnancy a half dozen times, while also producing 4 children? Could this be an example of hostility, perpetuated by the media?

37-- Perhaps, most Americans are unaware that 'choice' applies to
matters which are comparable to a science fiction movie:

'Pro-choice' applies to every distinction of preferred human characteristics. For example: a mother can decide whether or not, she wants to bear a child with brown eyes. And, she may also choose other physical features, as well. This disgusting idea is widely accepted by 'The Left'. They believe: any mother should have the right to select distinct preferences for desired features, such as blond hair, and thin cheeks.

38-- The only reason why so many Activists support 'choice', is because, it's a woman's issue. This explains why people defend this issue passionately. Thus, everyone already supports women, in every possible way. SO, it's not surprising, this trend will continue during the most extreme circumstances. This happens to be part of the 'Hippy Manifesto', so to speak. It's part of their overall 'religion' to passionately support her, regardless of the reason.

According to TRusty Shellback III: The moment when Life begins has not yet been established. And, by similar terms, There are patients who are currently denied life support, because they are declared 'clinically dead'.
This standard too, may one-day change dramatically.
(hopefully, for better, not worse>)

In conclusion: this overall issue of "choice" shouldn't be treated in a simplistic manner.

Please Bless the children. Angels from above, Please watch over them. Protect her from harm.

THIS is a child, she too is also a child. Two Precious Darlings. Living, breathing, human beings. This is who they are, and this is who they always were, and destined to become. Before a child is born: they will someday be who they've come to be. and this is what you are, my child. In a few simple words: She mustn't be denied this right. .

Either way, the situation if favorable to the woman. Because, the pro-life standpoint reveres the mother as a heroic figure.

Also, many children still show a dislike for men, even though, hordes of Activists Holler to terminate a child's life.
SO, once again, I'll be the unsung hero in this quest to protect our children from harm.

The end.

Presented by Men's Rights: Social Awareness.


back to Men's Rights Movement: page 3/ Articles.
The following article will demonstrate that most Activists display pure hostility.
and, they're also monotonous, repetitive, cruel, & offensive.
This pictorial review will include various examples, not necessarily solely regarding 'Women's Groups'.

The "activists" use basic methods of Psychology, by using the 'first come, first serve' tactic.
They're likely to address issues which should actually be directed against THEM.
The power is given to whomever speaks first.
SO, basically, Extremists are rewarded for their aggressiveness.
Ive noticed how the activists often state issues which should actually be directed against THEM. Its given to whoever speaks first.

This is really sick.
Aside from the issue, itself, there's no reason to become "proud" ,
or to create an all-out "ANTHEM".
Plus, you'll notice how these Nazi groups never grow tired of producing 'issues' on a routine basis.
This is really sick.  Aside from the issue, itself, theres no reason to become proud , or to create another ANTHEM

YOu know, anyone can do this.
Obviously, we could ask why they talk about "over-population", and also support "mass immigration", "gun control" "abortion" "peace" "hostile Protests" "freedom" "strict & imposing laws"
YOu know, anyone can do this.  Obviously, we could ask why they talk about over-population, and also support mass immigrat

This is an example of shabby writing.
But, they have access to create banners and expensive posters which look professional.
This is an example of shabby writing.  But, they have access to create banners and expensive posters which look professional.

1st: okay, what's the point? we already know this.
2nd: Why the crafty artwork?
Basically, they're Propagandists...similar to Fascists.
1st   okay, whats the point?  we already know this. 2nd Why the crafty artwork?  Basically, theyre Propagandists...similar to Fa

Once again,, the Activists who create these slogans.
......are obviously a hostile bunch.
Once again,,  the Activists who create these slogans. ......are obviously a hostile bunch.

They always create a nasty slogan which targets against the same people...
They  always create a nasty slogan which targets against the same people...

One again, we're dealing with wicked people.
By the way, Femme groups incorporate other causes(such as this) into their repertoire.
One again, were dealing with wicked people.  By the way, Femme groups incorporate other causes(such as this) into their repertoire.

Notice how these people always try to mentally "work-you-over" with powerful images & nifty artwork.
Notice how these people always try to mentally work-you-over with powerful images  nifty artwork.

The "Activists" are very ruthless in their approach.
The Activists are very ruthless in their approach.

THe Feminazi's are a redundant group.
There are more "sisterhood" logos than we can barely keep track of.
THe Feminazis are a redundant group.  There are more sisterhood logos on my Female Privilege is very real ALBUM.

Search the internet, or, Magazines, and see how many different Female Logos YOU CAN FIND.
Search the internet, or, Magazines, and see how many different Female Logos YOU CAN FIND.This symbol is simply abusive.  Its an example of brutality, and her goal to cast a shadow over me.Why is it socially acceptable for her to shove her fist into my face?   This logo hints at this type of treatment against men.

Why would these idiots waste their time making another logo?
They're obviously obsessive in every possible aspect...
Why would these idiots waste their time making another logo?  Theyre obviously obsessive...They create so many different Logos.   I wonder why they bother to re-create those images which already exist.

School for Liberation???
Does she receive full-credit?
Will this help to easily pass through college? Definitely.
And, why the artwork ????
School for Liberation???  Does she receive full credit?  Definitely.  And, why the artwork ????

The "Activists" really don't care who they offend, or how badly.
The Activists  really dont care who they offend, or how badly.

The F.Nazi's always portray themselves as being "Extreme".
Their purpose is to install TERROR tactics upon you.
The F.Nazis always portray themselves as being Extreme.  Their purpose is to install TERROR tactics upon you.

ahhhh,, They control our children with this propaganda..
Every evil empire does the exact same thing...
ahhhh,,   They control our children with this propaganda..    Every evil empire does the exact same thing...

Nifty artwork
.... That's always the best way to get one's point across, huh?
Nifty artwork.... Thats always the best way to get ones point across, huh?

The "Activists" also use clever tactics.
They act as though they're being condemned for attempting to exercise Free-Speech.
The Activists also use clever tactics.  They act as though theyre being condemned for attempting to exercise Free-Speech.

It's funny how the 'Hipsters' are Always telling us what-to-do.
Ironically, NIKE ADS have been favoring girls for a few decades.
Its funny how the Hippies are Always telling us what-to-do.  Ironically, NIKE ADS have been favoring girls for a few decades.

I wish they would STOP telling me what-to-do
I wish they would STOP telling me what-to-do.

Here, they use a Nazi symbol.
It shows how "Activists" use Melodrama to get their point across..
Here, they use a Nazi symbol.  It shows how Activists use Melodrama to get their point across..

They're trying to 'work-you-over" with feelings of confusion and guilt..
(that doesn't necessarily mean their point is invalid.
But, nonetheless, they consistently use tactics).
Ironically, they've accused Religious groups of doing the same.
Theyre trying to work-you-over with feelings of confusion and guilt..  (that doesnt necessarily mean their point is inv

Once again,, very very heavy and powerful images.
(by the way, we're all aware, there are faults of Capitalism.
Once again,,  very very heavy and powerful images. (by the way, I see the faults of Capitalism.  SO, dont be quick to call me ignorant.

Very Nasty... The "Activists" are a really malicious bunch...
Very Nasty...  The Activists are a really malicious bunch...

Just remember:
Femme Groups incorporate these (and many other) themes into their game.
Just remember Femme Groups incorporate these (and many other) themes into their game.

Just remember, the "Activists" associate everything with melodrama.
AND they also inflate issues, such as abuse.
Just remember, the Activists associate everything with melo-drama.  AND they also inflate issues, such as abuse.

They really are an offensive bunch.
And please notice the Endless redundancy to it all....
They really are an offensive bunch.  And please notice the redundancy to it all.....

We surely wish, they were a peaceful bunch..
THey should learn to practice LOVE and understanding toward others
I surely wish,  they were a peaceful bunch..  THey should learn to practice LOVE and understanding toward others.

Everything is always heavy and extreme.
It doesn't matter whether they're right or wrong..
Everything is always heavy and extreme.   It doesnt matter whether theyre right or wrong..

THIS PHOTO was actually scrunched with a collage of Femi-posters.
They use images to get people "all-shaken-up".
They want you to feel very uncomfortable and nervous.
IT's a game of Psychological terror..
They want you to feel very uncomfortable and nervous.  ITs a game of Psychological terror...

When Activists create artwork,
they often suggest women are 'negatively portrayed'.
Thus, nobody never notices the Zillion anti-male posters.
When HIppies create artwork, they often suggest women are negatively portrayed. Thus, ya never notice the Zillion    anti-male pos

This is a mixture of Femme, Anarchy, Socialism, and Peace.
It's dumb.
Plus, ironically Anarchy & socialism are opposites..
This is a mixture of Femme,  Anarchy, Socialism, and Peace.  Its dumb.  Plus, ironically Anarchy  socialism are opposites..

She is going to CRUSH her oppressor.
Adolf Hitler used the same EXACT tactics to create the holocaust:
"crush the Jewish oppressors".
She is going to CRUSH her oppressor.  Adolf Hitler used the same EXACT tactics to create the holocaust crush the Jewish opresors

This picture shows how the Femme Groups are trying to control our Youth.
It looks similar to the Nazi wave, doesn't it????
This picture shows how the Femme Groups are trying to control our Youth.  It looks similar to the Nazi wave, doesnt it????.This picture shows how the Femme Groups are trying to control our Youth.  It looks similar to the Nazi wave, doesnt it????.This picture shows how the Femme Groups are trying to control our Youth.  It looks similar to the Nazi wave, doesnt it????

???????????????????????????????? what the fukk?

These "Activists" sure spend alot of time creating these Nifty slogans, huh?
These Activists sure spend alot of time creating these Nifty slogans, huh?

It's weird how the "Activists" try to make everyone feel guilty with portrayals of Moral Righteousness.
Its weird how the Hippies try to make everyone feel guilty with portrayals of Moral Righteousness.

YES,, PLEASE, Make Love, not war.
Please stop your hostility, propaganda, and warlike anthems for women.
and please, No more intimidation tactics either.
YES,, PLEASE, Make Love, and Not hostility, propaganda, and warlike anthems for women. and No intimidation tactics either.

Yes, I agree.
It's funny how "Activists" try to hypnotize you, then, they show slogans which should actually be used against THEMSELVES.
Yes,  I agree.  Its funny how Activists try to hypnotize you, then, they show slogans which should actually be used against

The "Activists" truly are hostile.
Women's groups are primarily behind this nonsense.
Yet, besides their usual onslaught,
they also use "environmental" issues, etc.
We're all aware, Women's Groups try to formulate alliances.
For example: they occasionally pander to Minority Groups.
Plus, many Feminized College Professors combine “The Environmental Movement” with Feminism.
SO, needless to say, this will impress most individuals...
Since everyone supports Mother Earth.
Therefore, we're supposed to associate that worthy-cause with Feminism.
It seems, these “Women's Groups” are treating us like babies.
Oh, by the way, websites, such as “Care2” and “The Pen” definitely use Valid GreenPeace issues in order to spread Femme Propaganda.

Once again, the "Activists" really are a hostile, redundant, and obsessive bunch.
The Activists really are hostile.  and YES, Femme groups are behind this nonsense.  They use environmental issues, e
Once again,  the Activists really are a hostile, redundant,  and obsessive bunch.
By the way, America is totally unprepared for a real emergency.
We've faced so much melodrama by Activists,
their sirons are no longer taken seriously.

I Totally agree ,,, but, the artwork was surely not necessary to make your point.
I agree ,,, but, the artwork was surely not necessary to make your point.

This use of "Melo-drama" always makes a powerful point.
Mc Vomit.    This use of Melo-drama always rocks your world..

The "Activists" truly are an oppressive and manipulative group.
And their use of artwork is ENDLESS.
I'll say that again: ENDLESS !
The Activists truly are an oppressive and manipulative group.  And their use of artwork is ENDLESS.  Ill say that again EN

The "Activists" always try to offend people.
Am I the only one who's noticed this ?????

"Activists" are always POLITICALLY INCORRECT when discussing humanity issues.
Activists are always POLITICALLY INCORRECT when discussing humanity issues.

Burger King, Iraq, Mickey Mouse, ,,,,
whether or not I agree, it's important to NOTE:
These cartoonists are experts in the field of propaganda.
Burger King, Iraq, Mickey Mouse, ,,,, wether or not I agree, NOTE These cartoonists are experts in the field of propaganda.

right or wrong, We must establish the fact that, these artists & slogan-makers are obsessive.
right or wrong,  Im establishing the fact that, these artists  slogan-makers are obsessive.

Let's display that “Peace Love” symbol, once again.
by the way, Im deliberately displaying the repetative Peace symboy.  Im reminding everyone of the hypocracy.

arent the hippies peaceful ???    Nope.

She's A-R-R-O-G-A-N-T
I'll say it again: ArrogannTttttttttttt

IT's hard to fucking believe, but, some people have fused
Anarchy with Feminism ( ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)

I boycott Starbucks because they create special programs for women.
Hippies boycott starbucks merely because they're succesful.
I boycott Starbucks because they create special programs for women.  Hippies boycott starbucks merely because theyre succesful.

Hippy Melodrama.

This concept "MOTHER EARTH" is Politically INCORRECT.
This concept MOTHER EARTH  is Politically INCORRECT.

alot of people stand for peace.
Why should this involve "Women's Groups".
alot of people stand for peace.  Why should this involve Womens Groups.
what have they got to do with anything peaceful ???
How do they always “sneak” into the picture ????
When people talk about “hunger in Africa”,
The “Women's Groups” are there.
When people talk about “musical expression”
The Women's Groups are there, once again.
Green peace ??
Civil Rights ??
Punk Rock ??
Anarchy ??
School Board Meetings ?
College Text ?
What's Next ???????

Femme Groups are masters of Manipulation.
They use Proven tactics to entice the people into joining their movement.
SO, they Join the peace movement, realizing,
that overzealous people will begin to Show Favor For them.
alot of people stand for peace.  Why should this involve Womens Groups.

more female-centric logos.
I sincerely wished that I'd saved every similar logo I've ever seen....
Most evidence has been lost through time.
Oh doctor. Just imagine the crafty Feminized-Slogans
which have appeared in Women's Magazines for several decades.
We could easily retrieve several hundred thousand examples.
But, We're not given enough time on earth to investigate the full extent of this matter.
more female-centric logos.   I sincerely wished that Id saved every similar logo Ive ever seen....

THis is a prelude to the "disgusting" photo album.
...another example of ruthless media campaigns against heterosexuality.
Plus, adolescent girls are being pressured to engage with each other.
THis is a prelude to my disgusting photo album.  This is an example of ruthless media campaigns against heterosexuality.

totally female-centric.
and ,, also, quite silly...
totally female-centric.  and ,,  also, quite silly...

God supposedly didn't make men smart.
But, in order to make up for it, men are given something to "think with".
(genitals have been edited out)
God supposedly didnt make men smart. But, in order to make up for it, men are given something to think with. (genitals edit

Have you ever wondered who makes these silly-ass monotonous posters ???
Here's the answer:
it's the same 'Hipsters' who also claim that everything is sexist against women.

THEY want you to conform with THEIR dogma.
Ive noticed how the activists often state issues which should actually be directed against THEM. Its given to whoever speaks first.'s an endless stream creating shadows of pure overkill.

Presented by Men's Rights : Social Awareness
Men's Rights Movement : Social Justice


If anyone wishes to ponder an important issue,
this happens to bear tremendous significance.

This does not merely pertain to sexuality.
Although, she's fixed upon that narrow subject.
But, instead, there's an overall 'teasing' and 'taunting'
on the part of women.
It happens to be a a major form of Social Inequality.
Call it 'arrogance' if you will.
Crude as it may sound....
By no means, would this be a harsh judgment, on our part.

The obvious sexual innuendo is quite clear.  Dream on, boy.....Its the classic stereotype  unless he provides money, shes not the least bit interested in him......Most women are quite fond of these expressions. He wants me, but he cant have me.  This is a clear example of social inequality..Ahhh,  she says Dont you guys wish you could have me?.its that old sexist stereotype. but modernized. Youre never gonna get my love.  just a blow up, stop wasting your breath...

.Yea,  Im always lacking in the Financial Department..

There's a silly joke called 'tease torture'.
and, of course, it only applies to a distinct gender role.
Basically, society teaches women that it's her decision,
while the man awaits her agreement.
Sorry, ladies,,, NO DEAL. I WILL NOT accept those terms.
It's simply unfair...
THis happens to be an important social standard.   Also, many Myspace torture sites list teasing as the best tool fo.

There's a forgotten chapter in our history,,,,
Women would make demands,
while threatening to deny "LOVE" to him..
This case regards the consumption of liquor.
But, it sure as hell indicates there's a
general Conceitedness on her part....
(and judging from the Pic, the display of arrogance
is NOT well-deserved.)
a forgotten chapter in our history,,,,  Women would make demands, and threaten to deny LOVE to him..    This case regards liquor
The above Picture sure-as-hell indicates there's a common longstanding imbalance.
This is not merely a statement of control,
She's not simply dictating that 'men want her'.
Also consider, she's making Rules and demands.
but, most importantly:
it's just plain NERVY.

It's about time: you Grow-up, girl...

(by the way, the illustrations throughout, are not mere satirical humors.
Rather instead, there are alot of women who've got this gross mentality.)

Many Activists use this poster as a statement for women.   There are obvious undertones.Traditionally, the male will tell his partner that Hes not worthy of her   Its a normal part of nearly every relationsh.es01/23/76dac07a3e360aa418d5131a49e98655/m.jpg" alt="" />.Ahhh,  now this expression is glittered with Neon Lights...
Ahhh,  now this expression is glittered with Neon Lights...Ahhh,  now this expression is glittered with Neon Lights..
Three words: silly, silly, & silly..

So, hopefully, this article sheds alittle light with regards to the female mentality.
And, always remember,
she's not exactly a Beauty Queen,
and, besides the sheer lack of morality in her thinking,
it's not even realistic for her to have such a conceited attitude.
(basically, the male appearance tends to be more youthful, energetic, and aesthetically acceptable.
a forgotten chapter in our history,,,,  Women would make demands, and threaten to deny LOVE to him..    This case regards liquor

.... it sure as hell, seems that way....


presented by Men's Rights : Social Awareness
Men's Rights Movement : Social Justice


back to Men's Rights Movement: page 3/ Articles.

Yea,  Im always lacking in the Financial Department.

Yea,  Im always lacking in the Financial Department.

its that old sexist stereotype. but modernized. Youre never gonna get my love.  just a blow up, stop wasting your breath

thats not an H,   its a K as in K-I-L-L-

This too...

Femme groups post this on several websites.

Okay, this is just a picture, and nothing serious.  BUT, please consider that most people try to prove that shes the victim of sexism.

I make a strong case that men have been oppressed for ages.  Mainly because stereotypes claim that he thinks of only 2 basic things.


At one time,,,,,,, These type of jokes represented the worst form of degradation.   (somewhat obsolete)...

They advertised the club to any woman who gets laughter from watching a man suffer     ha ha ha...... very funny.  Myspace close

cmon, admit it.... these type of jokes are longstanding, regarding relationships and marriage.

this is not so terrible.... but it still represents Negativity, and mistreatment.  Plus, most girls would cry over something so small.

This is not so bad,, BUT, still negative.  and it represents a traditional inequality.   It suggests that SHE CHOOSES.....

she excuses her aggression, by saying that its his fault.  He supposedly brings his troubles upon himself.

SOme people regard the word BITCH as offensive against women... but obviously, this word invokes terror.

This theme is probably not too serious ..BUT its actually based upon Feminazi dogma.  They believe a man should be properly trai

This tells the whole story.  should I explain its meaning? Or, should I leave that to you?

This saying is NOT accurate, because,  In truth, men allow wives to make rules because he cares about her....

This represents a more traditional form of social inequality.....

my fault, as usual.

There are thousands of slogans, just like this

Basically, people believe that its the mans fault whenever she treats him harshly

Traditionally, the male will tell his partner that Hes not worthy of her   Its a normal part of nearly every relationsh

Once again,, This is not such a terrible logo.  The designer probably meant no serious harm.  But, theres still a distinct acceptance h

Its the classic stereotype  unless he provides money, shes not the least bit interested in him...

its that old sexist stereotype. but modernized. Youre never gonna get my love.  just a blow up, stop wasting your breath

Yea,  Im always lacking in the Financial Department.


you go...

its that old sexist stereotype. but modernized. Youre never gonna get my love.  just a blow up, stop wasting your breath

Here we go, again...  The man is considered to be Lower than a rat...

This is PURE INEQUALITY.   any anthems for women should be considered UNFAIR.    (especially to the male Youth).

live it up girl friend



garbage can


This Article was Compiled by Men's Rights: Social Awareness.

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